Reflection from the Dock
Our teachers write the most poetic emails to our families. During this time when we cannot be together, words are a wonderful way to connect. This message really speaks volumes:

Within walking distance of my house is a little patch of forest. There is an overgrown path that leads to a broken fishing dock. I assume at some point there were stairs leading up to the platform, but they have long since fallen down and the platform is now just a skeleton with a few unattached boards laying across the top. We discovered it not too long ago, and have walked there several times. This evening after sunset, with the dim oranges and pinks still lingering, I ventured down there with my child-free moments.
By the time I got to the trail it was fairly dark, but the light from the crescent moon was bright enough to illuminate the path. I arrived at the dock as the colors faded into darkness over the marsh and the stars started to peak out. I climbed up the side of one of the pilings and layed on those loose broken boards a long time. I had been putting off writing this email, because I wasn't yet inspired on what to say. But, as I was laying there on those broken boards watching the Spanish Moss blow in the warm breeze on a backdrop of twinkling stars listening to the songs of the cicadas, I was reminded of something I had read recently. It was the experience of a New York City dweller, and her journey to connect to the tiny outdoor spaces in her life. Taking the time to sink deeply into being present in them. Looking at the creatures and plants, and watching how they change day by day and through the seasons.
As I was laying on that broken dock, I thought to myself... wow, this truly is a blessing. This time and space to sink so deeply into these tiny pieces of nature. My backyard, this overgrown trail by my house, this broken fishing dock. And I thought it a sentiment worth sharing. Taking this opportunity to allow ourselves to experience the places we inhabit through the eyes of a child. With wonder and curiosity. Going outside in the dark to just sit.
I also would like to encourage the children to go outside, in whatever means accessible, and create something just using things they find outside. and post your creations to our Facebook page!
Until we meet again, slow down and sink deeply into your surroundings.
With Love & Light,
Miss Leah