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CALLING ALL TEACHERS with happy hearts
We are always looking for new teachers, assistants and substitutes to join our growing community! Come join our sweet little school by the sea and climb the mulberry trees, play at the beach, sing songs, bake bread, create seasonal crafts and prepare organic snacks with our children.
We are looking for YOU for our 24-25 school year:
Butterfly Lead and Assistant teacher M-T and Th-F
Forest Assistants, 2, 3, or 4 day options
Finance and Office Administrators
Varying positions part time and full time flexible

Career Middle Pag
We are always welcoming resumes for:
Experienced Lead Teachers​
Assistant Teachers
Substitute teachers and volunteers
Essential Qualifications
Love and Warmth
Care for the environment and nourishment of the senses
Creative, artistic experience
Gratitude, reverence and wonder
Joy, humor, and happiness
Required Qualifications
Degree in Early Childhood Education preferred
Strong written and interpersonal communication skills
Ability to work effectively with a diverse range of people
Knowledge of LifeWays and Waldorf philosophy
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