Forest Gnomeschool
A nature immersion kindergarten
enrichment group
Forest Gnomeschool is a nature immersion supplementary kindergarten enrichment resource where a child has the opportunity to delve into the true work of childhood: PLAY!
All while allowing nature to do its work of nurturing the growing child; physically, emotionally and intellectually.
Forest Gnomeschool welcomes
kindergarten age 5-6 year olds,
meeting 9-1 pm, Monday-Thursday
under the guidance and care of a
LifeWays and Cedar Song Certified Teacher and Assistant.

what parents are saying
"We absolutely love the magical natural setting, the loving and stimulating atmosphere. We completely identify with your philosophy. Providing a warm, loving environment where kids can develop in a natural setting that is free and stimulating is paramount."
-M. Lederer
"I'm very thankful we found you! My child is growing in ways that are so much better than what traditional school would have offered."
-D. Merritt

support for Nature immersion
Improves self-discipline, reduces stress, builds confidence, creates life long stewards of nature